Singer Spotlight: Zachary James

Tell us a little about yourself! Where are you from? What is your educational and musical background?

I grew up in Florida. I attended Florida State University as a Music Ed Percussion Major and then transferred to Ithaca College where I got a BFA in Musical Theatre. I studied opera for one year as a Masters student at University of Tennessee Knoxville but quit to move to NYC and pursue a career on Broadway. I did Broadway for a number of years and found my way to opera professionally through Philip Glass and Director, Phelim McDermott.

What is one thing you wish you had known as a young singer and why?

That it’s ok to be different and those differences will eventually be what is celebrated about me.

Tell us about an obstacle you have faced during your career and how you overcame it.

The biggest obstacle I’ve faced is coming from extreme poverty, taking on immense student loan debt and continuing to survive through occasional times of extreme poverty while pursuing a career in the arts. No one is talking about this. It’s really important. There are many artists who can’t afford to eat, not to mention coach and take lessons and buy a suit or gown for a gig and pay for pianists for auditions. Those artists are competing with artists who are lucky to be financially supported through the dark times. It can be really rough and highlights class inequality and how it contributes to which art and artists are supported . I take issue with the cost of education in the USA and have difficulty accepting the apprentice artist system which is responsible for many opera company’s continued existence but does not pay a living wage. I think there must be a better way.

What is one role or piece you could perform over and over and never get tired of?

Claggart in Billy Budd.

If you could only give one piece of advice to a young singer, what would it be?

Find you, be you, stay you.

Is there anything you spent too much time stressing over that didn't end up being a big deal?

Thinking I’d forget my words on stage, or thinking I’d get sick and have to cancel gigs.

Where can we catch you performing next?

Next up: Edward Tulane world premiere with Minnesota Opera, Macbeth with Florentine Opera, and Platee with Des Moines Metro Opera.

Singer SpotlightLara Days