Singer Spotlight: Wei-Shu Tsai

Tell us a little about yourself! Where are you from? What is your educational and musical background?

I am from Taipei, Taiwan. I have my DMA from UNT.

What is one thing you wish you had known as a young singer and why?

I wish I had understood how the singing industry works as a young singer, and the different paths we can take as young artists.

Tell us about an obstacle you have faced during your career and how you overcame it.

I am terrible at memorizing words. I have to spend extra time, and work really hard to etch the words into my brain.

What is one role or piece you could perform over and over and never get tired of?

Dandini from La Cenerentola, and selections from The Phantom of the Opera.

If you could only give one piece of advice to a young singer, what would it be?

Attend the schools that offer you a better scholarship so you can have more money saved to audition for summer programs.


Where can we catch you performing next?

I will be singing with Classical Fusion on November 17th at Christ UMC in Farmers Branch, TX.

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Singer SpotlightLara Days